Well, this past weekend was a busy one. So many new experiences, fabulous clothes, and wonderful new foods...it all kinda blurred together after a while. The experience was kind of like being hit by a big, colourful, curry-flavoured truck. It left me feeling mildly concussed and ever since, day to day life has seemed a little bland.
R, my boss's daughter, got married. That's the short version. Also, I was invited.
Here's the long version.
Thursday (my birthday), I went to the family's house for a henna-hand-painting session. There was a woman who does it professionally there and she was amazing. I got this great flowery mass of vines running from my wrist to my finger tips (really emphasizes the length of my hand and makes it look far more graceful than it actually is). This incredibly complex, entirely original design took this woman three minutes. You should have seen the bride! Her arms and legs were COVERED, front to back with gorgeous patterns. Anyways, mine should last another week or so, if I don't go out of my way to scrub it off. Maybe I'll try to post pics.
We followed the henna session with lamb and potatoes and salad, and Jon and I headed for home. Next day, we had a pre-wedding dinner. Lots of different foods, most I don't know the names of. Pakoras as appetizers. Lots of lamb and chicken and things in rich sauces which we mopped up with some tasty naan bread. The evening consisted of ceremonies involving R and her bridesmaids and the groom's family. Kind of a welcome to the clan thing.
Next day was the wedding itself. I got to wear my sari! It's burgundy and red with lots of sparkly bits. Saris are really hard to put on, and it took me a few tried and some research to figure out how to get mine right. Bangles, an indian-style necklace, and some strappy heels put the finishing touches on my outfit. It wound up being really really cool (I'll wear it in the future definately), and I was asked if I did modelling and offered a little job in an 'East meets West' style fashion show some time in June. I found this funny, and who knows, maybe I'll call the woman who passed me her card. We'll see.
My outfit was nothing compared to the bride's! She first appeared in a gorgeous white sari, all beaded with white, lots of gold jewlery. Later, after the ceremony, she showed up at the reception in a red sari with what must have been hugely heavy gold-work all over it. We heard speeches (not great), saw dances (fabulous...a whole troup of guys doing a perfectly choreographed, extended routine, with much standing on each other's shoulders), ate a ton (really tasty green stuff that had chunks of lamb in it was a personal favourite), and finished the night with a turn on the dancefloor ourselves.
My little summary does not do justice to the experience. I was pretty tired the whole time, and recovering from some nasty bug, but was still amazed. I wish I had such a wealth of culture in my background! Well...maybe I do...I ought to do some research and come up with some really old-style Celtic traditions...hmmm...
I never want to have such a huge wedding though. The sheer amount of stress and agony that family went through was incredible! It's amazing the wedding happened at all, remarkable that everyone is still talking to each other, and a happy surprise that everything worked out as well as it did. If you ask me, it's not worth it.