Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hooray for Pain!

So it looks like this is going to be one of the things that falls slightly by the wayside for a while. I really thought I'd have time to blog consistantly, but it turns out that's not the case. When I'm in front of my computer, I'm either working, emailing, or desperatly wishing I were anywhere other than in front of my computer. Let's face it, I'd rather be drinking, or sleeping, or eating, or shopping, of chatting on the phone with my boy than blogging.

Which is too bad really, because it would be cool to have records (even dubious ones) of what I was feeling this year. I'm WAY too lazy for journals (writing on PAPER?! Who does that anymore!), but I do enjoy looking back on the past and what, if anything, was going through my head at the time.

So I'll still try to update this, but the updates may be few and far between, and perhaps not as informative as I might like.

Lessee...med school has eaten my life. It feels like I'll never catch up with all the work that's suddenly piled on top of me, so, perversely, I have sort of stopped trying. This is a bad mindset to be in, because I will really regret it at exam time. However, it does ensure that I get to spend lots of time doing fun stuff right now. I've done a couple of pubcrawls recently (the meds one was excellent, the biochem one sucked, but I did get to dress like trailer trash for it--something I am distressingly good at--so it wasn't all bad), there's been some drinking outside of pubcrawls too (Swan's...oh god, Swan's), and lots of just hanging out with random people. Linz and I have shopped like mad (all those after-Christmas sales...how can a girl resist?), so now I have lots of nice pants, shirts, and gorgeous black leather boots (to say nothing of the formal wear I had to acquire for the party the med students/medical community had recently at the Empress). And I have once again joined a gym! Hence the title of this post.

I am woefully out of shape (something which upsets me greatly, as it's a state I have only rarely experienced in my life...this is what happens when you grow up on a farm). I have love handles, people! How humiliating! I enjoy chips far too much, and running far too little to be healthy. My hope is that I'll get off my ass and to the gym three or four times a week for the first few weeks, and possibly more later on. I had my first visit yeasterday, and while I got an excellent workout, my body is not on speaking terms with me right now. It'll thank me when it's all svelte again.

Anyways, that's my life in a nutshell for the past few weeks. This weekend I have a ski trip with most of the other med students, which is exciting (and scary, as I have not skiied in about six or seven years). Hooray! Another opportunity to make my mucles weep with agony! Life is excellent!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Time Ago

Oh wow...um. Well, it's been a long time. I suppose I have much in the way of news to impart. Where to start? Well, I'm now in Victoria (moving was hell, U-Haul sucks bum, Jon was seriously the only thing that kept me going for the four days it took for me to move, and he talked about it on his blog, so I won't go over it again here). I have a lot of crap...mostly books. Heavy books. Thanks god for boyfriends is all I can say.

School is going well. It's very nice to be in such a small group, and I'm slowly starting to get to know my classmates better. I still haven't completely settled into my routine, but I'm feeling pretty comfortable all told. It's undeniably cool to be living with Linz again (tho very uncool to be away from Jon). Already I'm eating way better and excercising more! I'm attempting pilates occassionally....so far it's painful, but Linz assures me it gets better.

Anyways, whether or not I will be able to post frequently remains to be seen...two weeks in and things are already pretty intense. I could see this being a stressful semester, but I think I'm ready for it.

Heading for Van in two days to see Jon...maybe I'll post on the ferry! Or when I get to the internet following the ferry....