Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Hey look! I just found this blog after a lengthy hiatus!

 Wow.  So uh, that was a while ago, that last update.  Like, 13+ years ago.

Hi internetland!  Let's not pretend anyone is reading this anymore.  It's more a vanity project for my own edification at this point.  It's a nice way to record little snippets of my day to day, so I can look back on them and be glad I'm not quite such an insufferable twit anymore.

Or maybe I'm just insufferable in other ways now.  Ah growth!

So I am now a practicing rheumatologist.  Have been for 8 years.  Have my own office and parking spot and everything.  Very responsible.  I love my job and most of the things in my day to day routine...though the medical system definitely leaves a lot to be desired.  I am fortunate to be cushioned from a lot of the issues by virtue of being a subspecialist and also the program director, which gives me an additional hat to wear and learners to teach.  Working with students, it's hard not to let their optimism rub off on you.

I have a daughter who is nearly 13.  Grade 8 this year.  Quirky and weird and delightful and marching to the beat of her own drum.  She is much cooler than I ever was, but she puts up with her parents admirably.  She plays board games and stardew valley and even D & D with us and my cup is very full as a result.

I remain happily married to my amazing husband of 14 years, who also plays board games and stardew valley and D & D and who is always waiting at home with a snack after a long day.  We have a solid group of friends and a busy social calendar and have a good mix of activities both together and apart.  Balance, really.

Do I continue?  Meh.  That's a good start for an update.  Let's see if I come back again with more before the next decade rears its head.