Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost one year later.

Well, if it isn't my old blog! It's sort of sad to think that I don't write in this thing anymore, and that, odds are, I will continue to abstain. This used to be a great place to vent, and keep people up to date on my life doings. Sadly, I've lost touch with most of the people who once read this, and my new acquaintances are all in my geographic area, so I don't have much use for this little cranny of the internet. However, I will be moving again shortly (i.e. 5-6 months from now), and maybe it will be a useful transitional tool at that point in time.

What's new? Well, I am five months away from being a doctor. This is exciting, obviously, being the final fruit of so many years of labor. Also, it will be the beginning of a time of my life in which I will begin to finally make some money. Granted, residency doesn't pay that much, and I'll be trying to dent the massive pile of debt I've accumulated for the first few years, but it's still exciting. I'm planning on doing Internal Medicine, which is endlessly fascinating to me and has a lot of possible branch points. So who knows, maybe I'll focus in on the heart, or the gut, or the kidneys...time will tell. It's a nice way to continue to keep my ultimate options open for a bit longer.

And also, I am engaged. This is exciting too, for slightly different reasons. The date is in six months. So this is a big time for me in a couple of ways. I will admit to being slightly terrified, but mostly I'm thrilled. I have no idea how I will make it through the next few months, and even less how I will make it through the months after that. But at least I will get to do it with an emminently capable man. So whatever happens, it will be an adventure, and guaranteed fun.

So enough. Maybe I'll start reposting in this blog when I've moved and started my almost 100% new life. Till then, who knows?


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