Monday, August 07, 2006

Summertime, and the living is fabulous!

Okay, so it's been a very, very, very long time since I posted last. I doubt there are many people still checking this thing, but whatever, I'll post anyways. There's actually lots going on in my life right now, but I'm not going to discuss the majority of it here. We'll stick to the mundane. Sorry all you thrill-seekers, you'll have to go elsewhere.

Let's see. My summer is awesome so far. I have not cracked a non-fiction book in nearly 2 months. I use my computer only to check my email and correct the odd essay my students throw my way. I have been spending significant portions of my time outside, usually on my bike, and as such have acquired a wicked tan and some new muscles in my legs. I have bought not one, but TWO pairs of shorts (well...maybe they'd qualify more as capris...but they're only slightly below the knee) to show off my new calves (well, they look new to me). I have spent several evenings per week hanging out with various friends, sometimes playing games, sometimes drinking, sometimes doing both. I have willingly become an official sampler of Jon's curries (he's honing his skills in the art of indian spicing, with Anand as an exceptionally able tutor). I have acquired a taste for London Fogs in the nearby cafe where we spend lazy mornings on weekends. I am a newly minted fan of both the Colbert Report and the Daily Show (I know I know, where the hell have I been for the past decade or so?). And of ourse, I am spending every possible moment pestering Jon in my ever-so-endearing way. He may be relieved that September is looming!

In short, although my days seem to be full of lazy nothingness, I am in fact far too busy to post in my blog.

And yet, here I am. Well, I really do feel bad about neglecting this. I guess I'll post more when I get back to school! Here's hopeing everyone's enjoying their summers as much as I am! One month left....tempus fugit!


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