Monday, May 30, 2005


Well, I just got an email from the University of Western Ontario offering me a spot in their medical school for this September. That brings my total offers up to three: UBC, Dalhousie, and UWO. Guess I've pretty much got my pick of where I want to live in this country...barring the prairies, and honesty, who would want to live THERE? (heh)

I've turned down Dal...that was a no-brainer. I didn't fit well with their program I suspect, and their facilities/hospital didn't give me that tingly, super-excited feeling I got at other places. But UWO is a very, very tempting offer. They have a program in the clerkships (the 3rd and 4th years, when you actually start seeing patients in the various hospital wards regularly) which permits clerks to be first call. Basically, that means that the clerks (i.e. med students) get first say in treatment options/whether to call in the resident or even the on call doc, and generally get lots of experience performing simple procedures (various tests, intubation, IVs, basic medication, etc). This experience is invaluable when you move into your residencies...and I'd very much like to be able to get it. Also, their academic curriculum is far more my style...little problem based learning...lots of lectures (which I learn well from)..P/F system (UBC is P/F/H...and that makes things more competitive because everyone wants to gun for honours...). But it's in Ontario.

Bah. I'll stay here I suppose, unless UWO gives me a big scholarship for whatever reason. But I was hoping I wouldn't have to make this choice. I wasn't planning on getting offers to two of my top three schools. If U of T sends me a big thick envelope this week I'll REALLY start tearing my hair out.

Oh man, the whining has reached a new level. I deserve a swift kick in the butt. Honestly, for those of you who are rolling their eyes at my level of spoilage, I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to experience this indecision. I never dreamed I'd get so far!


Blogger Lu Hill said...

You never dreamed you wouild get this far? Haha, of course you did. You used to plan on world domination, so I'm sure that the med schools of your preference begging you to grace them with your presence isn't something that didn't flick through your head . . .
Anyways, what is up for your trip to Vic? Jenn is working, but I forgot to write down when. I'm sure I can make it up, but not sure how yet. I might plan to stay over saturday night or something. Where are you staying over?

12:45 AM  
Blogger Chris Benjamin said...

go to western, bring jonathan with you - we need more benjamin's here.

12:04 PM  

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