Monday, February 28, 2005

I Are Tired....

Back from Calgary. Seriously feeling dead. Dead dead dead dead dead. Must sleep much tonight. Too bad I've gotta teach O. Chem first. Gah, stupid Kaplan.

On a lighter note, the interview went well. Really well. Now I've got 3 days to relax before I have to leave for my next one.

Ontario better get ready, y'all.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I Warned You It'd Be Irrelevant...

This always happens...I'll start something new, be very enthusiastic about it for a short time, and then drift on to something else, forgetting about my previous project. Witness my LJ account.

Still, I'll enjoy this ride while it lasts, because soon I won't have time for anything other than eating, sleeping, interviewing, and wondering how to get to the airport/hotel/interview place/dinner/etc etc etc. Yay me!

I got next to no sleep last night...gah. I was all hoping that I'd get a good 8-10 hrs in, as the odds of my sleeping well tonight are pretty freaking slim. And tomorrow night, and the night after will be all about stressing for the Calgary much better. But nope, not in the card apparently. I woke up like every hour, stayed awake for long stretches, and watched the clock tick onward towards morning. God damn it.

Off to work soon...half of me wishes I had today off to do more prep...the other half of me knows that if I imerse myself in work, I won't get too upset about my interview prospects, and the day will go faster. At this point, it's all about getting things over and done with. My technique of shunting the interview to the back of my brain and pointedly not thinking about it will not endure much longer. We're entering the LOOMING phase. God, I hope I don't suffer a heart attack on the bus ride to UBC tomorrow morning...

Anyways, prior to going to work, I am going to pick up some Oral Care food for Moe (he has bad bad ginigivitis...and we're trying to avoid surgery...). I should have had it already, except the bag I'd specifically requested to have ordered in and placed on hold for me (the same bag I'd enquired about multiple times prior to its actual arrival, just to make sure it was en route) was sold to some other person as soon as they got it in. God damn! I was tempted to laugh in the girl's face when she told me this, I was sure she couldn't be serious. No such luck.

Anyways, it's been ordered again, and it came in last night, so I'm off to grab it before it gets sold again. I'm at least getting a can't complain there.

Last night, Erin, Jon and a girl named Missy went to the Odyssey. Original intent: to dance it up. However, the Odyssey is a gay bar, and they were having their Miss Odyssey pageant that night, so we watched drag queens parade around in evening wear and lip-synch to various Cher and Broadway Musical songs instead. Rockin'. Seriously, a fun time...maybe I'll go again next Wednesday to see who wins (it's a 2-parter).

Anyways, I'm off...running a little behind shcedual. Prolly won't post for a few days...interviews'll be running (and ruining) my life. I'll post again with the results sometime next week.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

W00t! First Post! I mean....ah crap....

So I'm sitting here waiting for Jon to reenter my life. God damned Quantum Physics! Why must you always steal my men!!! Or rather, no one else that I've ever been involved with has left me to do quantum physics. Man do I ever know how to pick 'em hey?

(Just kidding the love...)

I've got my first med school interview (out of 5) at UBC the day after tomorrow. Part of me is freaking out, and the rest of me is desperately trying to distract myself. Because if I let myself think about this interview in any concrete fashion (as opposed to the abstract 'thing that I've got coming up soon that has no real bearing on my life at all...well maybe a little...but it's really no big deal') I will start freaking out like I've never freaked before. Christ! The pressure! It burns us!!! Burnsss ussss! So I'm very carefully skirting the issue:

On my way to get passport photos because UBC for SOME REASON needs them...
" to get some random passport photos. Gee, those'll be useful! For passports. And stuff."
To the lady at the passport photo place, "Nope, these aren't for an actual passport...what are they for?...uh...medical purposes."
Upon receipt of my photos (in which I definately do not look my best)..."Can I get some more? I need lots of photos! Yes, more! Can I just use your bathroom for a second? I'll be right back..."
I have four passport photos now. I look like crap in all of them, but hopefully UBC does not select med school candidates based on looks alone. Otherwise I'd be a little concerned...

I am more afraid than I can admit (hang on a the hell does THAT work?) that I'll clam up at this interview and not have a single intelligent thing to say. Why must UBC be my first interview ever? Why can't I practice with some other, less important ones first?

Because this is the Real World...and things sometimes work out this way. Time to be mature, stop whining, and face the music. Give it your best shot. The show must go on. Etc etc (insert random cliches here).

But Mooom!

Yay! More places for me to NOT post!

Just when you thought I couldn't post any less, I bring you my new Blogspot site! Believe it folks! Not only will I continue not posting at my livejournal blog, but I will also deign from publishing anything at this new one!!! Wow! More ways not to hear about my life!

Seriously though...this is my more professional-esque blog. If you wanna know about my forays into Med School admissions or my everyday trials and tribulations at my places of employment, then this blog is for you. I shall endeavour to be somewhat serious here, as opposed to my livejournal blog, where I am never serious (see my persona as a giant moth with prehensile eyes...a concept which still greatly amuses me).

Whether I post here remains to be seen. I confess, I'm a lurker, not a poster. I read random people's blogs, but rarly comment on them or post anything relevant of my own. I have decided to be more out there with my opinions, however. Time permitting, you'll hear lots of stuff from me on various subjects close to my heart. Time not permitting, you'll get a lot on single-line posts. Huzzah!

So, without further ado...I give you...Tales Of Negligible Significance!!!!