Friday, February 16, 2007

For Lack of Anything Better to Say...

Um, yes, life has been...well...not boring. But not riveting lately. Let me just say now that, yes the brain is an amazing thing, and yes it's mind-blowing how it all works so (usually) smoothly when it's such a complex organ, and it has the potential to be fascinating beyond belief...I mean, I did psych, just like everyone else in undergrad, and it was pretty cool...but holy crap does learning neuroanatomy in detail suck. In fact, it blows the proverbial goats. Why everything has to be so damned complicated and have at least 3 separate names and make no sense at all escapes me. I am 6 weeks into a 9 week block of hardcord brain studying, and the more I learn about the stuff, the more I hate the gelatinous, pulsing, conniving organ crouched inside my skull. Stupid brain! Why couldn't I have been a cat? Or maybe a goldfish? Or a mushroom? Mmmm, mushrooms...

So as you can see, when I'm not studying my various reams of notes or wandering around moaning about 'braaaainnssss' like a deranged zombie (honestly, is there any other kind?), I'm most likely sleeping, talking to Jon, or punching my kitten in the face. Stress relief. Awesome.

There just ain't enough hours in the day for anything else.

Oh, except for volleyball games apparently. I somehow got invited to one of those tonight. Go figure. While I'm at it, I guess I might as well get drunk...take some of this rage towards my brain out brain. And my liver. And pancreas. And GI tract in general (to say nothing of my lipid stores). Yay!

Hopefully I'll have more relevant things to say once I've moved on to the block on Reproduction. Hmmm...that has potential...