Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween!

My energy levels today have been very sad, and I'm convinced it's because I'm coming down off of a three day sugar high. What can I say...there's something about pumpkins and costumes and fall in general that makes me want to binge on candy. I'm trying not to think about just how much junk food has passed my lips this weekend.

We say goodbye to Max tonight (he's been staying with us for a week and a bit, waiting to move into his new place). He's been an excellent guest, fun to have around, bringing us lots of beer, not complaining when I wake him up at 6 every morning stumbling around in the dark on my way to school. It will be nice to have the place to ourselves again for a bit though...it's small even for two really. Moe will miss him though. We're all going out to the Eatery to celebrate with sushi! Yay!

This weekend has been pretty busy actually. I managed to be pretty social: there was a party Saturday night which was highly enjoyable (I went mafia, complete with a cigarello or whatever the heck you call those things. One of the pictures taken there captured me chewing on the wrong end of the thing--there's a plastic bit you're supposed to use...but I was pretty freaking drunk.). Lots of fun costumes (one of our friends went as a plane, and his girlfriend was the pilot)...Jon went as Doug McKenzie and drank stubbies all night and spoke in a horrible accent which still crops up from time to time. We taxied home at about 3 am, passed out, woke up the next morning (with Max and Erin crashed in our living room), and proceded to make a gigantic breakfast involving two whole packs of bacon and lots of eggs. A couple of the guys from the party dropped by in the afternoon and we all went to see Saw II.

The tagline for this movie is 'oh yes, there will be blood', and so, of course, I was all agog to see it (yes, you read that right, I said agog) because I love me some blood, and what's Halloween for if not scaring yourself silly. Besides, Saw (the original) was pretty decent...well, the ending was cool at least. The second installment sucked the proverbial ass. There were plenty of tense moments, and I squeaked a few times (mostly during cheap cinematic gimmicks), but the premise sucked, and it was all very sensationalistic, and the characters were so dumb and one dimensional it was almost a relief when they died (although there were a couple of entertaining deaths). Again, the director went for the jaw dropping twist ending, but it only half succeeded. One thing I will say for the movie, it lived up to the tagline. There was blood. Lots and lots and lots of it. Too bad there wasn't much else. Kory and Simon will never hang out with us again...I doubt they'll forgive us for dragging them to that monstrosity. Ah well.

As for l'ecole...ca va. Things keep moving along...I never seem to have enough time to catch up with my studying...but I AM inherently lazy. We're into muscles and neurons right now, still mostly review. And in anatomy lab, we've finished with the thorax and moved to the abdomen. You know what's really hard? Packing all the intestines back into the abdominal cavity after you've pulled them all out to examine the mesentery. Man. Talk about efficient use of space. And you know what's really cool? All the ducts and organs that carry bile are stained permanently green. It makes it really easy to identify them. I think the pancreas may be my favourite organ so far (aside from the heart, which is just wicked cool). It's just such a strange organ (all long and white and oddly lumpy, tucked way back under the peritoneum, out of sight of everything, except for its tail), and it does so many things...how the hell does that evolve? And don't even get me started on the liver. It's still exciting, but the amount we need to know seems to be increasing exponentially, and that's sort of intimidating. Two months left till Christmas break, tempus fugit.


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