Friday, September 02, 2005

Here we are again.

I'm typing this from the gigantic multimedia lab in the Life Sciences Building, waiting for my first Anatomy lab to begin. I only have 15 minutes before it starts, and I think I have to get changed first (I hear it can get a little messy), so I will keep this brief.

Orientation is over, and today I had my first real PBL session, followed by my first ever lecture in Med school! It was all about embryology, and mostly consisted of my using various coloured pens to denote various layers of tissue. I enjoyed it really, because it tied in very nicely with my PBL case this morning, which dealt with a pregnant woman, x weeks along, who wanted to know what her baby looked like at this stage. I've got some homework now...researching more fetal devlopment, looking into how doctors determine conception and birth dates, general physiology of pregnancy etc etc. This is all quite exciting....I keep waiting for my enthusiasm to wear off. Hopefully it won't.

There was a med/dental student surprise event a while ago...Wednesday I guess. We had this icebreaking activity which basically involved tracking down our fellow classmates based on their accomplishments. We got a list of things to look for: blackbelt in karate, climbed mt Kilimanjaro, conceived at a drive in movie, owns 3 cats etc etc, and we had to find one person who had done or was each of those things. I had one of the few degrees in Music there, and so was firly popular. It was a great time, and when we had filled out our lists, we got tickets for the party at the new locations (the Roxy). I wound up heading for home though, to sleep, take care of Jon, and relax.

Anyways, tonight we have a concert to go to, Jon and I. Ted Leo and the Pharmacists are in town! And tomorrow, it's off to the island for me! Here's to an eventful weekend!


Blogger JonBen said...

A while ago... as in last night... heh

3:12 PM  
Blogger Scott said... this an old post...but I have not read your blog in a while.

The thing you must have noticed (either through your time in Bishops bio labs or through your few anat. labs so far) is that the formalyn smell never leaves. It didn't matter how many times I washed my lab coat I never got the smell out.

Oh, and when the cadaver starts to dry out and you need to spray him down again...yum yum.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Keltok said...

I did notice that! I'm using nitrile gloves, and they're really useful for keeping the smell off my hands, but I still get whiffs of it every so often. I have resolved never to go to any social event directly from anatomy lab...I'd loose all my friends pretty quick. Except for other med students...we're all getting pretty desensistized.

9:41 PM  

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