It's Aliiiiive!
Quick post because I have free time right now and am not sure how often this will happen in the next week or two. I am supposed to be at the MSAC mixer (basically a student/faculty wine and cheese at the super-funky student center with the leather couches, huge bar, gigantic pool table, extensive gym, enclosed outdoor atrium etc etc...they do treat us med students nice, oh my), but Jon is coming down with what I suspect to be strep throat (probably prepetrated by viruses closely related to the ones who, until recently, were jumping up and down on my tonsils with unabased glee), so we're staying home, watching movies. I got like 4 hours of sleep last night, so I am not up for the socializing thing anyways. It's exhausting meeting so many new people. And they're all suprememly friendly and wicked smart and funny and above all cool and so there aren't any I can just sort of write off and not spend energy on. I want to get to know them all! But gradually!
I've met some amazing people the past two days. Mostly, we all sit around in the lecture hall and listen to various deans and profs and speakers as they tell us how glad they are we're here (I don't mind, I'll never get tired of being told 'congratulations'!) and give us advice and intros to the program and other stuff that, more often than not, rolls in one ear and right out the other, pausing only to jump up and down on my guts. My excitement and apprehension continues to mount. I may explode in our first anatomy lab on Friday!
This morning we had our PBL scavenger hunt. PBL=problem based learning. This is small group stuff, and you are given a case each week and have to do your own research on it in order to contribute information to group discussions about the case. We have 2 hours of this, 8 to 10 a few times per week, so it helps to get along with your group members. To that end, we met for the first time today, were given a bunch of clues corresponding to site on campus, had to find those sites and complete the activities set up at each of them in order to collect letters. Upon returning to the life sci center, we unscrambled the letters to make a word (ours? Polypharmacy...multiple drug use) and had to then devise a two minute skit which would convey the word to our audience, without actually saying it. It was really fun, and my legs are killing me from all the running, my hands hurt from the wheelbarrow race, I have oatmeal on my jeans and sticky spots of pudding spattered pretty much everywhere, but now I know all my PBL peeps and we are a pretty rockin' bunch. Hot damn.
Anyways, must end this here. I could go on forever, but as I'm only at day 2 out of god knows how many, I guess I'll save some energy for later.
Linz, I'll be on the Island early Saturday morning! See ya!
I've met some amazing people the past two days. Mostly, we all sit around in the lecture hall and listen to various deans and profs and speakers as they tell us how glad they are we're here (I don't mind, I'll never get tired of being told 'congratulations'!) and give us advice and intros to the program and other stuff that, more often than not, rolls in one ear and right out the other, pausing only to jump up and down on my guts. My excitement and apprehension continues to mount. I may explode in our first anatomy lab on Friday!
This morning we had our PBL scavenger hunt. PBL=problem based learning. This is small group stuff, and you are given a case each week and have to do your own research on it in order to contribute information to group discussions about the case. We have 2 hours of this, 8 to 10 a few times per week, so it helps to get along with your group members. To that end, we met for the first time today, were given a bunch of clues corresponding to site on campus, had to find those sites and complete the activities set up at each of them in order to collect letters. Upon returning to the life sci center, we unscrambled the letters to make a word (ours? Polypharmacy...multiple drug use) and had to then devise a two minute skit which would convey the word to our audience, without actually saying it. It was really fun, and my legs are killing me from all the running, my hands hurt from the wheelbarrow race, I have oatmeal on my jeans and sticky spots of pudding spattered pretty much everywhere, but now I know all my PBL peeps and we are a pretty rockin' bunch. Hot damn.
Anyways, must end this here. I could go on forever, but as I'm only at day 2 out of god knows how many, I guess I'll save some energy for later.
Linz, I'll be on the Island early Saturday morning! See ya!
Sounds like way too much fun. I'm jealous as hell. See you soon!
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