My Baby's Here!
Well, I thought this day would never come, but my sweet little laptop is finally home! I picked it up this morning from the Purolator outlet downtown, along with my new printer. It is very exciting...all silver and white and new with DVD players and CD burners and other snazzy things like that! Honestly, that's all I need, something to watch my movies on, listen to my music (and burn new CDs) on, type up reports on, and surf the net with. Apparently the processor is crap, and the ram is puny, but I don't care because now, if Jon wants to watch Samurai Jack and I want to watch the Muppet Show we can do it! AT THE SAME TIME!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to hook it up to the internet at home, nor am I sure I'll want to. I do have to bring it into school with me and get it all set up for wireless. It will be supremely handy to be able to do my PBL research where ever I want!
Speaking of PBL research...that's what I ought to be doing right now. I under-researched my stuff for Wednesday way too mcuh, so I'm over researching the stuff I need for tomorrow. Lots of stress and pregnancy and dental protocols and drug specs. Six packed pages of notes so far...and I think I'm done. Just need to check and see what proper procedures are for cracked teeth at your neighbourhood dentist's office. This stuff is kind of fun actually, it's really nice to be able to look at clinical applications of all this new information. Hopefully I'll be able to remember at least some of it.
Anyways, tonight I get to go look at stethoscopes and other diagnostic equipment...see what I want for myself. Hey everyone, wanna volunteer for chest and ENT exams? I'll need lots of practice!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to hook it up to the internet at home, nor am I sure I'll want to. I do have to bring it into school with me and get it all set up for wireless. It will be supremely handy to be able to do my PBL research where ever I want!
Speaking of PBL research...that's what I ought to be doing right now. I under-researched my stuff for Wednesday way too mcuh, so I'm over researching the stuff I need for tomorrow. Lots of stress and pregnancy and dental protocols and drug specs. Six packed pages of notes so far...and I think I'm done. Just need to check and see what proper procedures are for cracked teeth at your neighbourhood dentist's office. This stuff is kind of fun actually, it's really nice to be able to look at clinical applications of all this new information. Hopefully I'll be able to remember at least some of it.
Anyways, tonight I get to go look at stethoscopes and other diagnostic equipment...see what I want for myself. Hey everyone, wanna volunteer for chest and ENT exams? I'll need lots of practice!
Aha, so you will have to start weeding out spam comments too . . . its so irritating .. . I wonder if blogspot will find a good way to limit that stuff. Someone must have set up a program to do this stuff automatically, or they got themselves some carpal tunnel doing cut and paste. I assume these people have ads on their page, and they are counting on getting many hits to their site. I noticed that blogspot must be making some effort to cut down on things - there is apparently some sentence recognition going on, because one of my weed-comments contained the misspell 'I also have a blawg".
Speaking of carpal tunnel, how lame is taking copious notes by hand after months of working on a computer only? You must be as sore as I am. My hand just about seized up yesterday.
Sorry I kidna fell off the map for a while there . . . dumbass striking Telus hasn't delivered my free modem yet.
I think I will bite the bullet and take biochem 300A this term - it fits into my schedule way better than the other course I plan to drop. I got two shifts at the campus cafeteria, and am hurting for evenings off, so I whittled down my lecture schedule to only two classes a day, back to back. Then I only have two labs and two shifts, and one day has a short lab and a shift afterwards.
That Hell Day was yesterday - and somehow I still got my homework done for next lab in between the lab and my shift. I was very impressed. I rarely work ahead. I have decided that I will probably get a tutor and some study group action going on, to shame myself into doing things on time.
So, will you see if you still have that old essay you did on ADHD drug / stimulant use over long periods of time? It sounds like you will be going over your old computer stuff anyways about now, with your new baby home and all that.
Thanks for sending along the text for biochem. I sent the whole set of House discs to Van with Carly. As her house watches them, she is under strict orders to send along the disks to you and Jon. I figured that House was so cool that Jon should be given the chance to watch it all in order as well, seeing as it is so much better that way. Our cable hasn't been disconnected yet, so I got to watch the series opener last night. This included me telling Ruth's BF to take his phone convo elsewhere because he was disrupting my rabid watching experience. Grr, nothing is allowed to get in the way of my obsession with that Drama, until it gets lame or whatever.
So, I'll see you in a month or so . . . what are you doing for thanksgiving weekend? I don;'t think my family is doing too much anymore, so maybe I will truck it over to Van around the 25th of October.
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