Thursday, September 29, 2005

Procrastination Leads to Increased Blogging, Study Shows

Well, I'm in the brand new, hideously modern wing of the old library (I know, it seems paradoxical to me too), trying to convince myself to do work. I have midterms coming up in a couple of weeks, and the old me would insist on leaving everything to the night before (I am not giving my old study habits enough credit. I guess I normally started two or three days before, and it paid off pretty well.), the new and improved keener me wants to get a handle on everything really early and be fabulously organized to boot. The likelihood of this actually happening is slim. But at least I'm here, away from the distractions of home, trying to focus. Unformtunately, I brought my laptop to type my notes up on, and everywhere on campus is within range of UBC's extensive wireless network. So my internet access is unaffected, and thus, I am posting. Huzzah!

I had my first family practice experience the other day, and it was amazing! My preceptor is the most outgoing, energetic, informative person I've ever met. Most FP visits in first year last 3 hours, and the first time you go to the office, apparently most people sort of act as shadows, silently following the GP around. Not so for me! My partner and I were thrown right in, we took histories, got blood pressure measurements (a tricky skill which is steadily getting easier for me), and answered a barrage of questions which the doctor threw our way. I must say, my brain contains far more information about healthcare than I'd expected. We talked about everything from Parkinsons to likely causes of death for a 54 year old male to the well child program to hepatitis A, B and C. And we did this for, not three, not four, but at least five hours (longer, because we did some ear exams on each other after to office closed and before we went home)! I learned more about interacting with patients in that short period than I've learned in the rest of my life! It was an excellent, thoroughly enjoyable experience, and I'm looking forward to next week (I might get to give some vaccinations soon, as flu season is coming up!).

Otherwise, nothing terribly new to report. I suck ass at poker, but that shouldn't be news to anyone. Jon, on the other hand, kicked some considerable ass on Monday. Huzzah! Again!


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