Monday, October 03, 2005

Serenity = joy.

I must post, as I have a vital peice of advice for anyone who's ever enjoyed anything I've recommended in the past. It needs must be brief though, as I just got home from kicking ass (and having my ass kicked as well) in poker, and now am desperately craving sleep.

So here's my two cents: GO SEE SERENITY!
Do it! Now!
It's freaking awesome, and this is coming from someone who was mildly amused by the TV series...I am not a die-hard fan (though the people I went with were...or at least one was...), but this movie was a perfect blend of action, comedy, romance (but not the sappy stuff), adventure sci-fi, with a little bit of western and horror/thriller thrown in for good measure. Mr Universe kicks serious ass.

Anyways, that's my little spiel. I considered writing a lengthy commentary on the film, but really, it speaks much better for itself.


Blogger Drew said...

Seconded. I went to see it last weekend with a bunch o' my Kung Fu Buddies, and we were all quite impressed. One of the better movies I've seen this year, without a doubt.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Lu Hill said...

I just ordered the Firefly TV series from the library, so I will have seen it before I watch the movie. I'm glad to hear it kicks ass. Did you see the series?

12:36 PM  
Blogger juicepig said...

movie was ok. I wouldnt say it was freaking awesome though. I was a fan of the series, not a 'brown coat' psychotic like some people I know but a casual observer. I still have a hard time grasping the idea of abandoning earth, and then terraforming 12 other planets.. why not just terraform earth back? The never really explained why and I was somewhat disappointed.

7:21 AM  
Blogger JonBen said...

The sun exploded/was about to explode/enter it's red giant phase?

10:04 AM  
Blogger Ruben Neves said...

This is one of those cases where I want to see the movie, but know I will probably enjoy it a lot more after I see the series.

I'll probably get it once it hits dvd. The movie, I mean. The series, I can just download. ;p Now that I think about it, I'll probably download the movie, too.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Lu Hill said...

Would the movie be good even if I never saw the TV show?

10:42 AM  
Blogger Keltok said...

Hard to say Linz. It's very very enjoyable if you're familiar with the characters even slightly. I'd try to get my hands on a couple of episodes at least. That said, there's no denying that it's a fun movie, all familiarity with the characters aside. If time's short, go see it. You can always see it again later!

2:42 PM  
Blogger juicepig said...

Seriously? The sun exploded? I thought that wasn't supposed to happen for another 5Ga? (yes Giga-annums..geek)

are you trying to say that this show takes place 5 billion years from now, or that Astronomers of the present havent formulated the theory of spontaneous solar-novas? ;)

7:23 PM  

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