Bacon = Joy
I can't remember which weekend it was...but I remember being hung over. I remember having more than the usual number of people crashed in our living room (maybe Max and Erin? Maybe?). I remember everything being very icky and unpleasant, as it always is when I am hung over (I really don't deal with it well...stupid alcohol dehydrogenase/aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes...)anyways, it wasn't fun. I don't remember what exatly I was drinking the night before (probably lots of beer), and I don't remember who it was who brought me my bacon (probably Jon...he's so great). What I do remember is how much better the day was once I'd ingested about a half a pound of the stuff though. There's something about salt and grease that just does it for me when I'm feeling icky. It's a good thing bacon is so (relatively) expensive, or I'd be decidedly overweight.
Anyways, I am awaiting the arrival of a bacon sandwich right now, which is why that thought occurred to me.
I apologize for lack of activity on this blog of is rapidly accelerating towards the brick wall of final exams, and I'm desperately trying to study so that I can find the freaking seatbelt and deploy the airbags in time. Things can go two ways from here: either I can not post at all until after December 22 (the day of my last final), or I can post more and more frequently as that date approaches (procrastination...what can I say? It's my fate). I suppose there's a middle ground if I actually manage to live a balanced life until then...but I'm not holding my breath.
Anyways, I am awaiting the arrival of a bacon sandwich right now, which is why that thought occurred to me.
I apologize for lack of activity on this blog of is rapidly accelerating towards the brick wall of final exams, and I'm desperately trying to study so that I can find the freaking seatbelt and deploy the airbags in time. Things can go two ways from here: either I can not post at all until after December 22 (the day of my last final), or I can post more and more frequently as that date approaches (procrastination...what can I say? It's my fate). I suppose there's a middle ground if I actually manage to live a balanced life until then...but I'm not holding my breath.
Ahhh....yes! That was a great night^_^ Very interesting! And yes Max and I both crashed that night. In fact it was Max and Jon that walked down to BuyLow and brought back not one....BUT TWO! packs of bacon which we all devoured in record time. After that I can't remember what happened. Musta been that bacon after glow...tee hee^_^
And pfft to you. You're not THAT unreasonable...even when hung over. Or maybe I'm just biased:-p
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