Monday, April 18, 2005

Nevermore shall I wander

Done!!! Done done done! No more Canada-tripping for me! I get to stay in one place for the next five months at least! Let me just say that I could NEVER take a job where you have to travel constantly. I just appreciate home and its comforts too much.

That being said, Toronto was a very successful trip. My interview went great (unfortunately, at U of T it only counts for 20% of their final evaluation of you so...meh), got to see Matt (and indulge in some NDP-bashing), ate lots of ice cream and mexican food, and procured a couple of CDs and books while I waited for my turn to blow people away with my razor wit, rapier intelligence, and mind-blowing good looks. I thought I had to be at the hospital at 8 am for pre-interview prep sessions, but, due to a mis-reading of my letter on my part, this was an incorrect assumption. I didn't have to be there til 11. So, with three hours to kill I did what any sane person would do in Toronto. I shopped. Yay!

So now I'm back and I can settle back into my routine. Just have a few loose ends still to tie up and then it's smooth sailing until May, when I hear back from the schools and either get thoroughly drunk in celebration, or get thoroughly drunk in an attempt to kill all those brain cells that let me down and got me rejected. Either way, much drinking will ensue. Also tentatively planning a trip to the Island in late May/early June. But that's just a 'gee wouldn't it be great to see everyone again' kinda thought with no concrete modus operandi attached.

Scissor Sisters kick ass.


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